Finally a Small Update
5:24 PMI am officailly a HORRIBLE blogger!! I never update this thing. A lot has happened since I last posted. So this is going to be a VERY long post.... sorry.
I am sure everyone has been to the Arizona State Fair. Last year I went and you can bet it is SUPER lame. Not a fan by any means. My friend DJ asked me the last week if I wanted to go with him. I will admit- I had a little interest and decided to suck it up and go no matter how much I don't like it..... I HAD SO MUCH FUN!! I was surprised!!! Here is a picture from the fun night. Don't mind the fact that I look like I am not having any fun with DJ.
My Dad and I went to visit Eric and his family last weekend. Laura was only there on Friday- she had to fly to Arizona for her Grandpa's funeral... We missed her, but it was good to see her at least for one day.
The first day we were there was Halloween. We flew in early in the morning and we went to the "Cornbelly Corn Maze" at Thanksgiving Point. It was a lot of fun. There was this giant "pillow" that you could jump on. That was the first thing we did. To everyone's surprise my dad even jumped on it with us!! I love seeing my dad be a grandpa. He is so fun! I imagine this is how he was when we were kids- I don't remeber much, but I bet this is how he was. If that is the case, he was the BEST dad. Haha! He turns into a 4 yr old right along with Kacin and Kyler!
BELIEVE IT PEOPLE! That is my DAD!!! haha
My camera broke after the corn maze, I was so ticked! So the rest of the pictures come from my handy phone- so they are not too clear. I didn't get any pictures of Halloween night though.... :(
Saturday we did a lot of fun things. I really wish my camera was working. We went on a BEAUTIFUL drive through the mountains. Oh how I love the mountains!! I love Mesa, but I sure do miss seasons, and the fresh air. I think this was one of my favorite parts of the trip. Sure the boys were yelling in the back seat, and Eric's driving made me car sick.... But the drive was AMAZING and we got out a couple times... Breathed the air.... ahhh! I LOVED IT!!!


My dad used to always have us pull on his pinky to pop it when we were little..... He is now passing the tradition on the the grandkids! haha This is Kyler having his shot when we stopped!
After the drive we went to Jason's Deli to eat lunch. I have to say that hands down the best thing to do with my nephews is eat. Kacin has to be the funniest person to watch eat. I took a couple of videos but I am not sure how to post them..... He is so funny!! We were eating at the restraunt for almost TWO hours- that is how long it took Kacin to finish HALF of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!! HAHA!!! I wish I knew how to load videos!!

Kyler eating... one of the many adventures we had... Yes, they were adventures!
That night I met up with Derek and Alex. I didn't take any pictures though- dang it!! We went to ice cream and a comedy club in Provo. It was so much fun seeing them. I miss them! They are such good friends!!
Sunday morning Emily and Nate came over for breakfast. We don't get to see them much so it was fun to see them. I really like Nate, I don't know him very well- but I would venture to say that Emily married a very good man. She seems to be very happy.... You can just tell by looking at her that she has got things together. Later Eric and the boys went to church.... Dad and I didn't prepare well so we went to Costco and walked around. We then went to the airport to fly home. I miss them so much already. It is hard to have them so far away.
Fooling around while waiting for Eric to shower
I could not figure out how to flip the picture.... I am sure it is something simple. But so is turning your head to the side to see it :)
Once again I have to say we are so blessed to have these sweet little boys come into our family :) I love Eric, Laura, and the boys very much!